“Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1
Jesus has given us our mission. As His disciples we are to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth, making disciples of all nations. We can only fulfill our mission by working together as a team. 26% of EFree offerings go to support 29 missionaries and their families that God has placed in strategic locations throughout the world to build His church.
They are members of our team, but we also are essential members of their team. God has sovereignly chosen to accomplish His work in this world through the prayers of His people. As you pray consistently and fervently, our global and local partners will be equipped for their task, and God will be glorified as men and women have their eyes opened to see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ.
Pastor Steve LoVellette
Global Partners
EFCA ReachGlobal
Evangelical Free Church supports seven EFCA ReachGlobal missionaries in Roma Networks, Central Asia, Taiwan, France, Japan, and Africa.
UIM Aviation
UIM flies missionaries to isolated peoples in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico. Evangelical Free Church supports three partners with UIM.
Resourcing Ministry Partners
Resourcing Ministry Partners was formed to advise, counsel, provide accountability and financial support to indigenous work among the Maasai tribe of Africa.
Global Church Ministries
Laying the foundation through evangelism, church planting, and discipleship in Turkey. This ministry spans across writing, translating, and distribution of Christian literature to deepen the spiritual roots of the Christian community.
Centers of Church Based Training (CCBT)
Bringing the gospel to Spanish (and English) speaking folks in Rio Rico, Nogales, and throughout the Spanish-speaking world
Decision Point
Decision Point exists to proclaim the gospel to the next generation, until every student has heard!
Cuirim Outreach
Cuirim Outreach is a ministry to the people of Nogales, Mexico. Volunteers spend their time in prayer, worship and service to the community in the form of construction projects and a soup kitchen.
English Language Institute
Our partner works in a limited-access, developing country. Our partner’s role goes beyond the classroom, including opportunity to build relationships and share her faith on a deeper level.
Ambassadors for Christ
Serving Chinese international students in the United States by providing tangible help, temporary housing, groceries, furniture, ESL classes and weekend events.
Scriptures in Use
Reaching Oral learners with the Gospel through equipping and training indigenous, local and regional partners among oral cultures worldwide.

Operation Mobilisation
Helping persecuted believers in the UK through evangelism and discipleship.

Native American Christian Academy
Serving the Native American children of the Four Corners Tribes, they are called to educate students, engage families and impower the community through quality Christian education.

Engineering Ministries International
Providing technical support of design and construction needs for ministries in Uganda.

Youth With A Mission
Our ministry partner serves in discipleship and missions mobilization, coming alongside potential missionaries, training them to use their God-given talents in the mission field.

Serving, teaching, discipling, evangelizing and counseling an indigenous Messianic-Israeli congregation.

Serving displaced immigrants.

our missionaries are serving alongside InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s International Student ministry that has developed into a collaboration team of of members of several campus ministries.

Christian Veternary Mission
Through veterinary training and support, our team is able to minister in countries that, otherwise, would not be open to the gospel.